Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rhubarb is not Onion!

Since this question comes up every so often in the Picasa group, I thought I'd post some PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE that Rhubarb and Onion are two totally different people.

This is Rhubarb:

And this is Onion:

Seeeeeeee? Onion has GREEN eyes! We're TOTALLY not the same!

I hope this has helped to clear up any confusion out there!

PS: I posted this using Picasa's BLOG THIS! button. Is there anything that Picasa can't do? (The answer to that is YES! But those are probably things you shouldn't be doing anyway, so there you have it.)

PPS: You might be thinking this is a Michael/Janet Jackson sort of thing, where they're really the same person because you never see them in the same place at the same time, so here's some more PROOF that Rhubarb and Onion are NOT the same person.
Posted by Picasa


Onion said...

Thanks for clearing that up, Rhubarb.

BTW, the dance number was a blast!

Hey, I got me a blog now, so check it out when you've got a moment to spare.

Laterz dude!

rhubarb said...

Awesome, [Onion] blossom!